Sunday, June 22, 2014

Progress Day #6

I am nearing my way through my ISU experiment. I finished my test days and now proceeding to the unfinished work that I still have to do. I have until Tuesday to finish my ISU and I think I have plenty of time to finish it, considering I have my other sections finished and ready to go. Now, to go into more detail of how I have been working:

Introduction - I have explained the components where it says why did you choose to do this research, what related research has been performed in the past, the purpose, and the hypothesis. I felt like I have explained an ample amount of information in the introduction section because I feel this is a section where it is important to know if someone else would be reading it.

Materials - This section is straight forward, describing the materials and apparatus I have used such as cardboard, tape, pump, timer, etc. I have included diagrams representing representing my experiment and explaining the science behind the bottle rocket and what it does when it is released at launch.

Procedure - I'm confident that I have described my experimental procedure using precise detail. I also feel my instructions are clear enough for another scientist to reproduce my experiment. I'm thinking of having a procedure step by step and/or having a column procedure displaying the step, diagram (visual), and a short description of each step.

Results - I am nearly done this section, just little bit more to do which I have to make my proportionality statements. I have completed my graphs (numbers as well), and I have data tables that record my data when I went experimenting my bottle rocket. As stated on the rubric sheet, my interpretation of my results should be included in the conclusion section. My results also include psi units, years measurements, and will be pouring water cup by cup.

Conclusion - I am currently working on my conclusion and interpreting and summarizing my results and findings. Next, I will describe how the results from my bottle rocket were important and useful. Lastly, I will explain in my report the next things that further explore the phenomenon.

References - I have completed this section listing all my references I have used for my experiment and I have checked the course website for the PDF with the instructions for writing proper references.

Still to do:
  • Finish proportionality statements
  • Draw diagrams and description
  • Work on conclusion
  • Read over
  • Title page
  • Any rough work


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